Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Malaysian Young Apprentice (MAYA) Program

The Umno Overseas Club UK is proud to announce MAYA!

Malaysian Young Apprentice Programme (MaYA) is an internship and employment program where Malaysian students in United Kingdom are linked with selected local Malaysian firms and organisations to go through internships and even job employment during their summer break (July – September) initiated from Badan Perhubungan Negara (BPN) United Kingdom. 

For the very first time, with the partnership with Career Excel, MaYa are lining up more companies and organizations to exposed more job opportunities and placements for Malaysian students in the UK. Among the companies on board with the program are:

4)Sime Darby 
7)Utusan Malaysia 
9)Bank Muamalat
13)Malaysia Airlines 
15)Berita Harian 
18)Media Prima

Interested in public policies and the direction of our nation? Take this opportunity and make a change as MaYa also provides the opportunity to interested Malaysian students in UK in several key ministries with the likes of:

1. Ministry of Youth and Sport
2. Ministry of Information, Culture and Communication
3. Ministry of Defence
4. Ministry of Higher Education 
5. EPU (Economic Planning Unit)
6. Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (JASA)

MaYa also provide the pathways and avenue for Malaysian students who are enthusiast and advocate fine interest in politics by providing internship positions in political bodies for better understanding of the structural framework of the party with an insight view:

1. UMNO ( Pemuda, Wanita, Puteri )
2. Barisan Nasional
3. MCA
4. MIC

Registration dateline will be on the 10th of June with pre-registration documents must be filled in initially by clicking “ google doc link”.

Candidates will need to undergo an interview process via skype or a physical interview conducted by Career Excel in Malaysia. Candidates would have the liberty to choose the desired companies of interest.

For more info and updates, please follow @UMNO_UK and @CymruMalayClwb  at twitter
Facebook page:

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